
The winners of the essay contest

The winners of the essay contest

September 23, 2014

Mir Mahamad Basira and Nishonova Mingayim became the winners of the essay contest "How I spent my summer". We would like to thank all participants of the contest for their time and creative essays. It was a great pleasure to read your essays about your adventures during the summer. Wish you good luck and more joyful adventures in future!


You can read the essays of our winners below:



Essay "How I spent my summer"


Mir Mahamad Basira

Anthropology Department, sophomore student


How I spent my summer.


          J. D. Salinger wrote "Life is a game ... Life is a game that one plays according to the rules.” (The Catcher in The Rye). Really, our life is a game, but sometimes you can be a player or be a toy. I want to be a player that does not rely on fate; I want to dream and accomplish my dreams, and help other people become players in their lives. However, I think only AUCA helps me become a player, because here I develop in every way, and all thanks to the education system of our university and our professors who enlighten us. Therefore, even on holiday, I had wonderful moments, that helped me grow, and it wouldn’t happen if not for AUCA.  My summer was the best in all spheres, because I could do 3 main things, I discovered for myself a new part of our wonderful country, one dream of my childhood came true, and I finished my first novel. 


      Most people prefer to spend the summer overseas, of course it is very useful and interesting, because one can discover a new part of the world. But I didn’t have that opportunity, and I am very glad, because I think that first I need to start exploring my country, and then go to other countries, and confidently present Kyrgyzstan.  Throughout my life, I have only been in the Issyk-Kul region and of course in Chui, because I live here. But this summer I had the opportunity to discover a new region of my beautiful homeland. And it happened also thanks to AUCA and my Anthropology department. From the 10th to 24th of June, I with my friends from Anthropology department had an unforgettable experience during our first archeological fieldwork in the city of Naryn.  This trip gave me the opportunity not only to get the experience in the fieldwork, but also to know more about Naryn region. Here, every day I felt happy, because when we found artifacts, we were very glad, it united us. It gave us a strong motivation to discover more and more of the past of Kyrgyzstan but we did not discover only the past, we also had the opportunity to discover the present life in Naryn region. We visited different beautiful places in Naryn region, we were able to communicate with the local people and also to play tennis, football with them, which helped us know the social live here. Now I want to visit the south part of Kyrgyzstan, and I believe that very soon I will be able to do it. However, for now, I am happy that this summer I had the opportunity to explore Naryn.


    In addition, this summer, my childhood dream came true. It was a very unusual dream. When I studied at school, I spent most part of my time at American Corner in Kant, and I always wanted to work there. I don’t know why, I just wanted to. And in May I started working there, I was very happy because the dream of my childhood came true, and also this job allowed me to develop my knowledge, which, I think, is very useful for another dream. For about 2 years, I have had a dream to visit the USA, but up until now, I have not gotten a chance. Last year, I decided to apply for an exchange program, but I could not pass the 3rd round, I guess because I did not have enough knowledge. Despite that, I decided not to give up and apply again this year, but first I need to prepare well. This job has helped me improve my knowledge. So, thanks to this work, I spent the summer usefully because I got a lot of experience and knowledge that will help me to develop myself further.


        This summer, I was also able to finish my first book “The moral sadist”. I worked for a long time on the writing of this book, and I believe that studying at AUCA helped me in writing and also here some ideas were born. Because, while studying at AUCA, I was able to see different people, different characters, which helped me describe everything in detail. During the study, I did not have enough time to write the book, I wrote very rarely, and I mostly took only notes. Summer was good for me - I had more free time and inspiration for creating something new.


     I sure can say that my summer was very useful and interesting. I could develop myself; I did a lot of volunteer work in an orphanage, which made me useful for children, because I was able to share my experience and my knowledge, which can help them to be players, too. I found a lot of new friends, and I had a lot of time to think what I need to do next. And the biggest thing for me this summer was that I realized that everything is in my hands, and if we want to change the world, we shouldn’t just talk - we must act, and start with ourselves and our community.  So, summer is the best time not only to relax but also to do something useful, because at the time of study and work, we do not have enough time for discovery and helping other people. 



Nishonova Mingayim

NGA student


袣邪泻 褟 锌褉芯胁械谢邪 谢械褌薪懈械 泻邪薪懈泻褍谢褘


袥械褌芯 – 屑芯褢 谢褞斜懈屑芯械 胁褉械屑褟 谐芯写邪, 褝褌芯 褌褉懈 屑械褋褟褑邪 泻褉褍谐谢芯褋褍褌芯褔薪芯泄 褋胁芯斜芯写褘, 芯褌写褘褏邪 懈 泻邪泄褎邪. 袛械胁褟薪芯褋褌芯 写薪械泄 薪邪褕械泄 斜械褋褑械薪薪芯泄 卸懈蟹薪懈, 胁 褌械褔械薪懈械 泻芯褌芯褉褘褏 屑芯卸薪芯, 胁芯-锌械褉胁褘褏: 胁褘褋锌邪褌褜褋褟 蟹邪 胁械褋褜 锌褉芯褕谢褘泄 褍褔械斜薪褘泄 谐芯写. 袙芯-胁褌芯褉褘褏: 锌芯褌褍褋懈褌褜 褋 写褉褍蟹褜褟屑懈 写芯 褍锌邪写褍 懈谢懈 蟹邪薪褟褌褜褋褟 褋邪屑芯褉邪蟹胁懈褌懈械屑 懈 褍屑薪褘屑懈 泻薪懈谐邪屑懈, 懈薪芯褋褌褉邪薪薪褘屑 褟蟹褘泻芯屑 懈谢懈 卸械 褍褋械褉写薪芯 褉邪斜芯褌邪褌褜 芯褎懈褑懈邪薪褌泻芯泄 胁 泻邪泻芯屑-薪懈斜褍写褜 泻邪褎械.


袧芯 褋邪屑芯械 褍胁谢械泻邪褌械谢褜薪芯械 懈 锌谢械薪褟褞褖懈械 - 褝褌芯 锌褍褌械褕械褋褌胁懈械 胁 薪械懈蟹胁械褋褌薪褘械 褌械斜械 泻褉邪褟 薪邪褕械 芯谐褉芯屑薪芯泄 懈 褉邪蟹薪芯芯斜褉邪蟹薪芯泄 锌谢邪薪械褌褘; 褝褌芯, 泻芯谐写邪 锌褉芯斜褍械褕褜 褋芯胁褋械屑 褔褍卸褍褞 泻褍褏薪褞, 褋褌褉邪薪薪褘械 褋锌械褑懈懈, 泻芯谐写邪 薪芯褋懈褕褜 懈薪褌械褉械褋薪褍褞 薪邪褑懈芯薪邪谢褜薪褍褞 芯写械卸写褍 屑械褋褌薪褘褏, 锌褘褌邪械褕褜褋褟, 锌芯胁褌芯褉懈褌褜 懈褏 写械卸褍褉薪褘械 褋谢芯胁邪 懈 褌胁芯褢 薪械蟹薪邪薪懈械 褟蟹褘泻邪 锌芯屑芯谐邪械褌 褌械斜械 芯斜褉械褋褌懈 薪芯胁褘褏 写褉褍蟹械泄 褋褉械写懈 谢褞写械泄 懈 卸懈胁芯褌薪褘褏. 袙 褑械谢芯屑, 褝褌芯 泻芯谐写邪 泻褉褍褌芯 褔褍胁褋褌胁褍械褕褜 褋械斜褟 褋褉械写懈 薪械蟹薪邪泻芯屑褘褏, 褏芯褌褟 褔褍褌褜 薪械谢芯胁泻芯, 薪芯 谐谢邪胁薪芯械 胁械褋械谢芯 懈 锌芯蟹薪邪胁邪褌械谢褜薪芯. 袙褘斜芯褉 芯褋褌邪械褌褋褟 蟹邪 褌芯斜芯泄, 泻邪泻 锌褉芯胁械褋褌懈 褋胁芯懈 写械胁褟薪芯褋褌芯 写薪械泄 卸邪褉泻芯谐芯 谢械褌邪???


小邪屑褘泄 谐谢邪胁薪褘泄 褋屑褘褋谢 胁 屑芯懈褏 泻邪薪懈泻褍谢邪褏, 斜褘谢芯 蟹薪邪泻芯屑褋褌胁芯 褋 袘械薪谐邪谢褜褋泻懈屑 褌懈谐褉芯屑 胁 袠薪写懈懈. 袛械谢芯 斜褘谢芯 胁 袠薪写懈懈, 30-芯谐芯 懈褞薪褟 锌褉械泻褉邪褋薪褘屑 褋芯谢薪械褔薪褘屑 褍褌褉芯屑, 薪邪 褉芯胁薪芯 褋泻芯褕械薪薪芯屑 懈 蟹械谢褢薪芯屑 锌芯谢械 褟 谐褍谢褟谢邪, 褋芯斜懈褉邪褟 褑胁械褌褘 锌芯 褍蟹泻芯泄, 薪芯 邪泻泻褍褉邪褌薪芯泄 褌褉芯锌懈薪泻械. 袩芯谢械 斜褘谢芯 芯斜褕懈褉薪褘屑, 薪芯 褉邪蟹写械谢褟谢芯褋褜 锌芯 褋械褉械写懈薪械 谐谢褍斜芯泻芯泄 懈 斜褘褋褌褉芯泄 褉械泻芯泄, 蟹邪 薪械泄 锌褉芯写芯谢卸邪谢邪褋褜 褌褉芯锌懈薪泻邪-锌褍褌薪懈泻, 邪 谢械胁芯泄 褋褌芯褉芯薪械 褉邪褋锌芯谢邪谐邪谢芯褋褜 褋褌邪褉芯械, 褋械褉芯械 蟹写邪薪懈械, 泻芯褌芯褉芯械 胁 锌褉芯褕谢芯屑 斜褘谢 褋邪褉邪械屑 写谢褟 泻褍褉. 袩械褉械写芯 屑薪芯褞 褉懈褋芯胁邪谢邪褋褜 胁锌芯谢薪械 懈薪褌械褉械褋薪邪褟 懈 锌褉芯褋褌邪褟 泻邪褉褌懈薪邪 褑胁械褌褍褖械谐芯 锌芯谢褟, 褟褉泻芯谐芯 褋芯谢薪褑邪 懈 斜褘褋褌褉芯泄 褉械泻懈, 斜褉芯褕械薪薪芯谐芯 褋邪褉邪褟; 锌芯泻邪 薪械 锌芯褟胁懈谢褋褟 谐谢邪胁薪褘泄 谐械褉芯泄 写薪褟.


携 芯褌褔褢褌谢懈胁芯 锌芯屑薪褞 械谐芯 薪邪褋褘褖械薪薪褘泄 芯褉邪薪卸械胁芯-褔褢褉薪褘泄 褑胁械褌 锌褘褕薪芯泄 褕泻褍褉褘, 锌芯屑薪褞 械谐芯 褋泻芯褉芯褋褌褜 懈 谢芯胁泻芯褋褌褜 胁 写胁懈卸械薪懈褟褏 –褝褌芯 斜褘谢 袘械薪谐邪谢褜褋泻懈泄 褌懈谐褉, 褋斜械卸邪胁褕懈泄 懈蟹 笑械薪褌褉邪谢褜薪芯谐芯 袧邪褑懈芯薪邪谢褜薪芯谐芯 蟹芯芯锌邪褉泻邪. 袧邪 械谐芯 褍锌懈褌邪薪薪芯泄 褕械械 斜褘谢邪 蟹邪胁褟蟹邪薪邪 泻褉械锌泻邪褟, 褋械褉械斜褉懈褋褌邪褟 褑械锌褜, 邪 薪邪 泻芯薪褑械 芯谐褉芯屑薪褘泄 懈 卸械谢械蟹薪褘泄 泻谢懈薪, 褋谢褍卸懈胁褕懈泄 泻邪泻 薪邪褉褍褔薪懈泻懈 写谢褟 蟹胁械褉褟. 袨薪 褍斜械谐邪谢 胁 褋褌芯褉芯薪褍 褉械泻懈 懈 屑薪械 褍谐芯褉邪蟹写懈谢芯 蟹邪 薪懈屑 锌芯斜械卸邪褌褜, 锌褉懈 锌褉褘卸泻械 褔械褉械蟹 褉械泻褍 泻谢懈薪 蟹邪褋褌褉褟谢 屑械卸写褍 泻芯褉薪褟屑懈 褋褌邪褉芯谐芯 写械褉械胁邪, 薪芯 斜褘谢 锌芯谢芯薪 褋懈谢 懈 蟹邪 写胁械 褋械泻褍薪写褘 褍卸械 薪邪褏芯写懈谢褋褟 锌芯 褌褍 褋褌芯褉芯薪褍 褉械泻懈. 携 褌芯卸械 械谢械 泻邪泻 锌芯胁褌芯褉懈谢邪 械谐芯 褌褉褞泻 懈 锌褉芯写芯谢卸懈谢邪 褋胁芯褢 锌褉械褋谢械写芯胁邪薪懈械 蟹邪 褏懈褖薪懈泻芯屑. 袣芯谐写邪 屑褘 写芯斜械卸邪谢懈 写芯 斜褉芯褕械薪薪芯谐芯 褋邪褉邪褟, 褟 褍褏胁邪褌懈谢邪褋褜 蟹邪 泻谢懈薪,薪芯 薪械褍写邪褔薪芯,褌邪泻 泻邪泻 泻谢懈薪 褋懈谢褜薪芯 褍写邪褉懈谢褋褟 芯斜 屑芯泄 锌芯写斜芯褉芯写芯泻. 携 锌芯屑薪褞 褋胁芯褞 蟹谢芯褋褌褜 懈 泻懈薪褍谢邪褋褜 芯斜褉邪褌薪芯 蟹邪 薪懈屑 懈 褋褏胁邪褌懈谢邪 胁褌芯褉芯泄 褉邪蟹 锌褉芯泻谢褟褌褘泄 褌褟卸褢谢褘泄 泻谢懈薪,褌懈谐褉 斜褘谢 芯褔械薪褜 褋懈谢褢薪 懈 写械褉蟹芯泻 懈 锌褉芯褌邪褋泻邪谢 锌芯 锌芯谢褞. 携 褋芯 胁褋械泄 褋懈谢芯泄 芯褋褌邪薪芯胁懈谢邪褋褜 懈 芯薪 褌芯卸械. 袛邪谢褜褕械 锌褉芯懈蟹芯褕谢芯 褋邪屑芯械 懈薪褌械褉械褋薪芯械, 袘械薪谐邪谢褜褋泻懈泄 褌懈谐褉 芯斜械褉薪褍谢褋褟 懈 锌芯写芯褕褢谢 泻芯 屑薪械 芯褔械薪褜 斜谢懈蟹泻芯,褌邪泻 斜谢懈蟹泻芯 褔褌芯 薪邪褕懈 谐谢邪蟹邪 胁褋褌褉械褌懈谢懈褋褜 … 孝芯谐写邪 褟 褍胁懈写械谢邪 褋邪屑褘械 泻褉邪褋懈胁褘械, 褋邪屑褘械 谐谢褍斜芯泻懈械, 褋邪屑褘械 懈褋褋懈薪褟-褔褢褉薪褘械, 芯谐褉芯屑薪褘械 谐谢邪蟹邪 蟹胁械褉褟, 泻芯褌芯褉芯谐芯 褟 褌芯谢褜泻芯 褔褌芯 褋屑械谢芯 芯褋褌邪薪芯胁懈谢邪 褋邪屑邪. 袙 薪懈褏 斜褘谢芯 褋屑械褕邪薪邪 蟹谢芯褋褌褜, 写懈泻芯褋褌褜, 褍褋褌邪谢芯褋褌褜, 薪芯 谐谢邪胁薪芯械 褟 褍胁懈写械谢邪 胁 薪懈褏 写芯斜褉芯褌褍, 褋泻褉褘褌褍褞 写芯斜褉芯褌褍. 袦懈薪褍褌褍 屑褘 褋褌芯褟谢懈 锌褉懈褋褌邪谢褜薪芯 薪邪斜谢褞写邪褟 写褉褍谐 薪邪 写褉褍谐邪, 邪 锌芯褋谢械 褟 芯褌褔褢褌谢懈胁芯 褍胁懈写械谢邪 胁 械谐芯 薪械蟹械屑薪褘褏 谐谢邪蟹邪褏 褋胁芯褢 芯褌褉邪卸械薪懈械 锌芯谢薪芯褋褌褜褞... 袨薪 蟹邪褉褘褔邪谢, 褟 锌褍谐谢懈胁芯 褍谢褘斜薪褍谢邪褋褜, 薪芯 屑芯泄 薪芯胁褘泄 写褉褍谐-蟹胁械褉褜 褋薪芯胁邪 蟹邪褉褘褔邪谢,锌芯褌芯屑 孝懈谐褉 锌芯胁械褉薪褍谢褋褟 懈 褍薪褢褋 屑械薪褟 锌芯 薪械褋泻芯薪褔邪械屑芯泄,褍蟹泻芯泄 懈 邪泻泻褍褉邪褌薪芯泄 褌褉芯锌懈薪泻械 胁 薪械胁懈写懈屑芯褋褌褜…


袣芯谐写邪 褟 锌褉芯褋薪褍谢邪褋褜 褍褌褉芯屑 31-芯谐芯, 写芯谢谐芯 薪械 屑芯谐谢邪 锌褉懈泄褌懈 胁 褋械斜褟 懈 芯褋芯蟹薪邪褌褜, 褔褌芯 褟 褍 褋械斜褟 写芯屑邪 胁 锌懈卸邪屑械, 薪邪 褋胁芯械泄 泻褉芯胁邪褌懈 懈 褝褌芯 斜褘谢 胁褋械谐芯 谢懈褕褜 胁芯谢褕械斜薪褘屑 褋薪芯屑 芯 袠薪写懈懈 懈 芯 褌芯屑, 泻邪泻 屑械薪褟 褍薪褢褋 袘械薪谐邪谢褜褋泻懈泄 褌懈谐褉. 袞械谢邪褞 胁褋械屑 褌邪泻懈褏 懈薪褌械褉械褋薪褘褏, 褝泻褋褌褉械屑邪谢褜薪褘褏, 褍胁谢械泻邪褌械谢褜薪褘褏 懈 薪械蟹邪斜褘胁邪械屑褘褏 褋薪芯胁, 薪芯 斜芯谢褜褕械 胁褋械谐芯 卸械谢邪褞 胁褋械屑 屑邪褌械褉懈邪谢懈蟹邪褑懈褞 胁邪褕懈褏 褋薪芯胁!

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