
“Give a Cow” charity event took place in AUCA

“Give a Cow” charity event took place in AUCA

February 17, 2016

A fundraiser for the “Give a Cow” social project took place at the ɫtv (AUCA). The project was launched by the Bishkek Rotary Club one year ago. At the moment, 22 families have already received cows. Organizers plan to reach 100 families within the year.

The Uplift Aufwind German NGO, the group working directly with the families, is a partner of the Rotary Club.

The event focused on helping families with disabled children. With the funds raised, the charity organization buys cows for the families. With these cows, families can improve their material well-being and thus buy medicine for their children, provide necessary care, and treatment, all of which are impossible to do now.

Revenue from ticket sales for the event went to the charity as well. Guests were also encouraged to donate additional money to the charity.

For example, the general manager of the BNC Investment Company, Arslanbek Kenenbayev, donated 100,000 soms to the organization. “We adopted the model of our program from Talas. Every year, funds are raised to buy 500 bulls for Eid al Adha (Kurman Ayt). The meat from the bulls is given to the poor and needy. This model is very effective because a lot of people can take part by giving small sums of money. Together we can help many needy people,” said Kenenbayev.

Brad Brenneman, the owner of the Sierra Coffee network and a member of the Bishkek Rotary Club said, “the motto of my company and family is to be committed to giving back to the people of the Kyrgyz Republic. Our business has been working in the Kyrgyz Republic for already five years. We support orphanages, and we help our staff members when it is required. If the businessmen of the Kyrgyz Republic have the ability to unite around this issue, they should do it. Together, we can help not only one or ten families, but perhaps hundreds of individuals and families.”

The coordinator of the Uplift Aufwind NGO in Kyrgyzstan, Nazgul Suleymenova, explained how their program works. “We work closely with local municipal services, directly with social workers and village councils. We select peripheral areas, where few people go, villages like Murake, Belovodsk, Sadovoe, On Bir Jylga and others. We set up special commission, which will examine families with disabled children, their needs and necessities. From 100 families in the district, after commission’s selection, 25 families remain in the list. Then, we inspect all these families, look how they live, talk with parents and children. As a result, only 6-7 most unprotected and neediest families remain in the project. These families all have children with severe disability under 18 years old. They are not able to go to school. One family member, generally the mother, doesn’t work because the child needs around-the-clock care. The families select the cows with us. It is important that the cow is a high-yield dairy. It is also important that the families must love their new “breadwinner.” After we purchase the cow, we monitor the families’ situations: how they live, how they are improving, and so on.

“The family sells a portion of the milk and makes dairy products with the rest. The products can then be sold to neighbors and others. These families also develop relationships amongst themselves, creating a network of support. They share their problems and advice and have since founded a pot of money that they can use for financial aid.”

The campaign began in February 2015, and had so far purchased twenty-two cows. For now, the families have all been from the Chui Region. Twelve cows have gone to the Moskva district and ten cows have gone to the Chui district and the city of Tokmok.

The families shared good news with organizers: eleven cows already have had calves, and the others are just about to have them.

The event was accompanied by classical music played by young musicians from Talents’ School. In particular, Saliya Ashirbekova, Fatima Muratbayeva, and Inna Kim performed, accompanied by the Manas Chamber Orchestra of the President.

Garrie Davislim and Jamila Raimbekova, lead soloists of the German Folksteatr group, came to Bishkek specially for this event. The group, from Rostock, Germany, has won several international competitions, and has performed on the best opera stages of Italy, Great Britain, Germany, Austria, and Belgium.

Raimbekova thanked the organizers from the stage after the event. “The last time I performed in my home country was in 2010. I’m very thankful to the organizers for the opportunity to take a part in charity event and to share this experience with musicians. This is such a great experience! Thank you so much!”

At the end of the event, the Rotary Club gave out certificates for contribution to and support of the “Give a Cow” charity. A vacation for two to Turkey was raffled out to one of the guests.


The Bishkek Rotary Club is an office in Kyrgyzstan of the Rotary International. Since 1999, it has been a part of district 2430 of the Rotary International. Its headquarters are in Turkey.

Members of the Bishkek Rotary Club come from Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Netherlands, Italy, Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Pakistan, Turkey, USA, Great Britain, Japan, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, Lebanon, Australia and others.

The club boasts members from business communities working in the Kyrgyz Republic’s territory, as well as international organizations, top management of large companies, and public figures.

The Bishkek Rotary Club works on both of attracting funds of club members and searching for foreign investors, including Rotary Clubs in other countries.

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