
Tragic loss of AUCA graduate Fatima Khalil

Tragic loss of AUCA graduate Fatima Khalil

June 27, 2020

It's terrible to hear about the loss of our graduate Fatima Khalil, who became a victim of the terrorist attack today in Kabul, Afghanistan.

Fatima was kind and intelligent young lady, excellent student, and beloved daughter and friend.

We express the deepest condolences to Fatima's family and friends. She will always be in our hearts and minds.

Fatima graduated from the AUCA's Human Rights program in 2019 at the age of 23. She worked for the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) as a donor coordinator.

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倬賴 丿蹖乇賴 禺賵丕卮蹖賳卅 爻乇賴 賲賵 禺亘乇 賵丕禺蹖爻鬲 趩蹖貙夭賲賵賳跇 賱賴 倬賵賴賳鬲賵賳 爻禺賴 賮丕乇睾賴 卮賵蹖 丌睾賱卅 賮丕胤賲賴 禺賱蹖賱 丿 蹖賵 丕蹖卮賵丿賱 卮賵蹖 賲丕蹖賳 丿 趩丕賵丿蹖丿賱賵 賱賴 丕賲賱賴 趩蹖 丿 賴睾卅 倬賴 賲賵鬲乇 讴蹖 夭丕蹖 倬賴 夭丕蹖 卮賵蹖 賵賵 貙丿 丕賮毓丕賳爻鬲丕賳 丿 讴丕亘賱 倬賴 卮丕乇 讴蹖 賯乇亘丕賳蹖 卮賵賴.
賮丕胤賲賴 丿蹖乇賴 禺賵丕禺賵跇卅 丕賵 賴賵卮蹖丕乇賴 賳噩賱卅貙 賲賵賮賯賴 賲丨氐賱賴貙 丿禺倬賱卅 讴賵乇賳卅 诏乇丕賳賴 賱賵乇 丕賵 夭乇賴 爻賵丕賳丿卅 賲賱诏乇卅 賵賴.
賲賵賳跇 丿 夭乇賴 賱賴 讴賵賲蹖 禺倬賱 毓賲蹖賯賴 禺賵丕卮蹖賳蹖 丕賵 鬲丕亍孬乇丕鬲 丿 賮丕胤賲卅 讴賵乇賳卅 丕賵 丿賵爻鬲丕賳賵 鬲賴 爻乇诏賳丿賴 賵賵. 丿 賴睾卅 蹖丕丿 亘賴 鬲賱 夭賲賵賳跇 倬賴 夭乇賵賳賵 丕賵 匕賴賳 讴卅 跇賵賳丿蹖 賵蹖.
賮丕胤賲卅 倬賴 2019 丕賲 讴丕賱 讴蹖 丿 AUCA 丿 倬賵賴賳鬲賵賳 丿 亘卮乇蹖 丨賯賵賯賵 倬賴 爻丕賳诏賴 讴蹖 禺倬賱賴 夭丿賴 讴乇賴 丿 23 讴丕賱賵 倬賴 毓賲乇 倬丕蹖 鬲賴 賵乇爻賵賱賴.
賮丕胤賲卅 倬賴 讴丕亘賱 讴蹖 丿 丕賮睾丕賳爻鬲丕賳 丿 亘卮乇蹖 丨賯賵賯賵 禺倬賱賵丕讴 讴賲蹖爻蹖賵賳 (AIHRC) 讴蹖 丿 丿睾賴 讴賲蹖爻蹖賵賳 丿 丕乇鬲亘丕胤丕鬲賵 丿賮鬲乇 丿 丌賲乇卅 倬賴 丨蹖孬 讴丕乇 讴丕賵賴.


亘丕 丿乇丿 賵 鬲丕亍爻賮 賮乇丕賵丕賳 丕胤賱丕毓 蹖丕賮鬲蹖賲 讴賴 賲丨鬲乇賲賴 賮丕胤賲賴 禺賱蹖賱 賮丕乇睾 丕賱鬲丨氐蹖賱 倬賵賴賳鬲賵賳 賲丕 丿乇 丕孬乇 丕賳賮噩丕乇 蹖讴 賲丕蹖賳 噩丕 爻丕夭蹖 卮丿賴 丿乇 賲賵鬲乇 丨丕賲賱 賵蹖 丿乇卮賴乇 讴丕亘賱 丕賮睾丕賳爻鬲丕賳 賯乇亘丕賳蹖 卮丿.
賮丕胤賲賴 丿禺鬲乇 賲賴乇亘丕賳 賵賴賵卮蹖丕乇貙 賲丨氐賱 賲賵賮賯 賵 倬蹖卮鬲丕夭貙 賮乇夭賳丿 丿賵爻鬲丿丕卮鬲賳蹖 賵丕賱丿蹖賳 賵 乇賮蹖賯 丿賱爻賵夭 賵 賲賴乇亘丕賳 亘乇丕蹖 丿賵爻鬲丕賳卮 亘賵丿.
賲丕 鬲丕亍孬乇丕鬲 毓賲蹖賯 禺賵丿乇丕 亘賴 賮丕賲蹖賱 賵 丿賵爻鬲丕賳 賮丕胤賲賴 丕亘乇丕夭 賲蹖丿丕乇蹖賲.
禺丕胤乇丕鬲 丕賵 亘乇丕蹖 賴賲蹖卮 丿乇 賯賱亘 賵匕賴賳 賲丕 賲丕賳丿诏丕乇 禺賵丕賴丿 亘賵丿.
賮丕胤賲賴 鬲丨氐蹖賱丕鬲 禺賵丿乇丕 丿乇 乇卮鬲賴 丕蹖 丨賯賵賯 亘卮乇 倬賵賴賳鬲賵賳 AUCA 丿乇 爻丕賱 2019 亘賴 毓賲乇 23 爻丕賱诏蹖 亘賴 倬丕蹖丕賳 乇爻丕賳丿.
丕賵 丿乇 讴賲蹖爻蹖賵賳 賲爻鬲賯賱 丨賯賵賯 亘卮乇 丕賮睾丕賳爻鬲丕賳 (AIHRC) 亘賴 丨蹖孬 丌賲乇 丿賮鬲乇 丕乇鬲亘丕胤丕鬲 丕蹖賳 讴賲蹖爻蹖賵賳 讴丕乇 賲蹖讴乇丿.

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