
Russian Language Week

Russian Language Week

September 27, 2013

"The Russian language must be studied not only by foreigners but also by native speakers"


I am a student from the «Business administration» department and I believe that as a future entrepreneur I should be able to write correctly and should be able to express my thoughts clearly. For these purposes I actually have taken courses like «Rhetoric», «Spelling and proofreading» and «Business correspondence».

Frankly when I visit the Russian language department I try to build phrases that I am going to say as thoroughly as possible. That is a magical influence that teachers of this department have on me.

I fell in love with russian language after taking a course «Rhetoric». There is no other courses that have influenced me as much as «Rhetoric» did.Certainly I haven't become Cicero, yet  now I can speak in public pretty well, I can clearly express my thoughts , and what is the most important I can express my thoughts concisely . Also I have learned not only tolisten peoplebut to hear what they say. In my opinion, all of the mentioned above abilities are important to anyone and I am very surprised that such courses as «Rhetoric», «Spelling and proofreading» and «Business correspondence», as well as «Grammar» are not listed as mandatory in our university. Can you imagine a lawyer who does not know howto tie a word, or a journalist who is lame of speech ?

I believe, I have managed to take almost all of the courses offered by the Russian language department and I do not regret about spent credits. In addition to specialized knowledge , the teachers of the program are sharing their broad vision and invaluable experience . For example, in the course of «Business correspondence», we are not just gettingacquainted with the correct form of presentation of various documents , but we also learn a lot of nuances, which we are likely to face in life.

Now I am in my fourth year and senior thesis is waitingahead  but I still can not part with the Russian language department. This time, I'm taking course «Spelling and Proofreading» . Some people get surprised because I am a native speaker of russian language. I want to say that the russian language must be studied not only by foreigners but also by native speakers. It is an error to think that high school program is enough to comprehend «the great and mighty» in full.

I would like to recommend courses from the Russian Language Department to students who are willing to work seriously , take responsibility for tasks and are willing to accept the grade, which they honestly earned .

I am surely noticing all the improvements that have occurred in my peers, who together with me had taken these courses. Those who were shy, now on stage , those who suffered verbiage now concise and eloquent, those who did not know that some of the documents required two signatures, now do not allow such mistakes to occur, and, of course, all those who had problems with the grammar now even write personal messages, placing all punctuation as it should be.

Karina Kussainova




For me the department of Russian Language is a school of life. Hereyoucanstudyhowtobeliterate, which is a privilege in our time. It is not only about grammar, but also about speaking, thinking and business correspondence. When I started taking the classes from Russian Language department I realize the necessity to write and speak correctly and clearly.

As a student of Business Administration I was mostly interested in very practical aspects of these courses such as rhetoric or business correspondence.Suchtopicsandcontractsandotherdocumentspreparation, proper communication and discussions and argumentation were at the focus of my interests and as the result I have got answers to all the questions and in addition to it some more information on the general rules of modern business communication and correspondence.I have already applied them in real life experience and it turned out to be very rewarding knowledge.

Ifyouwanttofeelyourselfcomfortableinsociety, especiallyinbusinessenvironment this department is a place to go for learning.

The teachers of this program have not only excellent knowledge about the subject, but also excellent skills to deliver the material to students which make their lesson highly interesting and interactive! Moreover they are so much wise so that while communicating with them I grew not only professionally, but also as a person which is really important for most of us.

NotIhaveanunderstandingthatthe lesson “Rhetoric” is not only about public speaking, but it is also about thinking and analyzing. Theabilitytothinkcriticallyis may be one of the most needed for our society. Often, the power of a Word is really more effective than any other types of power and every person should be able to use it properly.

I advise all of AUCA members to take part in the events organized by the faculty of the department of Russian Language. May be these events will introduce to you some of the previously hidden aspects of the languagewhich, in fact, is considered as one of the greatest languages of the world.

Anatoliy Fedorenko

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