
好色tv - AUCA - News Digest No 12



Date: May 5-10, 2012



Migration and Registration
“Registration of citizens in the community: problems of law enforcement practice and perspectives of legal regulation.” Under this thematic angle a "round table" with the support of OSCE Centre was held in Astana. The discussion was about the peculiarities of national legislation and law-enforcing practice in citizens’ registration at the place of residence and about the international legal regulation on the right of free movement and choice of place of residence.
In Russian: .


Simplifying registration procedure and termination of individual entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan
Until the end of this year the procedures for registration and termination of individual entrepreneurship will be simplified in Kazakhstan. According to the Minister of Finance Bolat Zhamishev, the amendments to the tax laws to simplify registration procedures and termination of individual entrepreneurs are being drafted at present.
In Russian: .


Market trades number exceeds 133 thousand in Kazakhstan
The total number of traders in the markets of Kazakhstan is made up of about 133,300 people. As the Finance Minister Bolat Zhamishev noticed, people trading in the markets make payments to the budget under a special tax regime based on a single pass, the price of which is established by the decision of maslikhats.
In Russian: .




Ambassador E. Omuraliev discusses labor migration issues with the representatives of Kyrgyz diaspora in Kazakhstan
Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan, Esengul Omuraliev, recently met with representatives of Kyrgyz diaspora and labor migrants in Kazakhstan. During the meeting, labor migration issues, such as the rules of residence, the registration of Kyrgyz citizens in Kazakhstan, issues of secondary and higher education for migrants and their children, passing the checkpoints of Kyrgyz-Kazakh borders, etc., were discussed.
In Russian: or here.


Inflow of remittances to Kyrgyzstan increases by 7% to $324 million in 1 Qrt.
According to the National Bank of KR, the inflow of money transfers for 3 months in 2012 increased by 7% over the same period and makes up $ 324.3 million. The largest share continues to come from Russia - 96% of the total inflow of remittances.
In Russian: or here.


Migrants send humanitarian aid to Blind and Deaf Society in Kara-Suu
According to Tilekbek Matraimov, the Governor of Kara-Suu Raion, the Consulate General of Kyrgyzstan and Kyrgyz labor migrants in Almaty (Kazakhstan) delivered humanitarian aid to the Blind and Deaf Society of the Kara-Suu district.
In Russian: .


Up to 600 thousand labor migrants from Kyrgyzstan in Russia, - Ombudsman T. Akun
In Russia there are 500 to 600 thousand labor migrants from Kyrgyzstan, the Ombudsman of Kyrgyzstan Tursunbek Akun informed. According to him, there are about 200 thousand citizens in Kazakhstan. “If life in Kyrgyzstan were good, people would not leave” - said the Ombudsman.
In Russian: or here.


Chinese company to create 600 jobs for Batken residents
Chinese oil-exploring company “Zhong” intends to create 600 jobs in Batken. “Last year the company provided employment to 65 Kyrgyz citizens. $ 11 million have been invested into drilling of four wells. Depth of the wells is estimated at 4,600 meters. Drilled reservoirs of oil and gas show that there are prospects for further exploration – Kosmos Madumarov said. - During the year, we plan to drill four to seven wells.”
In Russian: .


Pavel Dyatlenko: Russian nationalists do not represent a threat to workers
The nationalist movement in the ranks of Russia's opposition does not represent a serious threat to migrants from Kyrgyzstan, the expert of “Asia Policy” Paul Dyatlenko said. On May 6, the day before the inauguration of Vladimir Putin, the opposition organized a massive rally, which was dispersed by the authorities with force.
In Russian: .


Soccer tournament for “Yntymak” Kyrgyz diaspora’s Cup held in USA
A soccer tournament among the Kyrgyz diaspora for “Yntymak” Cup was held in Philadelphia, USA, Ravshan Abdullaev informed, the spokesman of Kyrgyz Diaspora in the USA “Kyr salaam”. According to him, teams from New York, Chicago, Ohio, Philadelphia and Wisconsin participated in the tournament.
In Russian: .


Kyrgyz diaspora in Moscow celebrates Victory Day
On May 8, a solemn event dedicated to Victory Day was held in Moscow’s TVC “Kyrgyzstan”. Participants of the Second World War and the rear, the representatives of the Embassy of the KR in Russia, the leaders of the Moscow diaspora organizations, gathered for the celebration.
In Russian: .


“Zamandash” Association expresses condolences to families and friends of those killed in Karaganda accident
“Zamandash” Association of the Kyrgyz Diaspora in Russia and Kazakhstan expresses its sincere condolences to the relatives and close ones of the victims of the road traffic accident in Karaganda oblast of Kazakhstan.
In Russian: .




Issues of legal stay of Tajik migrants discussed in Dushanbe
Round table on “The settlement process of labor migration” was held last Friday at the Chinese Embassy in Dushanbe. The round table participants paid attention to issues of legal stay of foreign labor migrants in Tajikistan.
In Russian: .


Problems of labor migrants’ wives’ debated in Tajikistan
Round table on “Media coverage of labor migrants’ wives’ problems and issues in Tajikistan” was recently at the Representative Office of the Institute for War and Peace Reporting in Tajikistan (IWPR). The purpose of the round table was to identify the main problems of wives of labor migrants and identify ways to address them.
In Russian: .


Migrants about migrants on stage of Moscow’s “Theater.doc”
Moscow’s “Theater.doc” has premiered a fragment of a new documentary performance, which tells about the problems of labor migrants in Russia. The uniqueness of this story lies probably not only in the fact that the events in the play are true and uninvented, but also in the fact that the main characters and the narrators are migrants themselves.
In Russian: .


Where can migrants renew expired passports?
Recently, a young man A.T., a Tajik labor migrant in Moscow, approached TopTJ News Agency. Our compatriot told us that because of his expired passport he cannot work in Russia legally. The Tajik Embassy does not issue a regular passport, what to do?
In Russian: .


Dushanbe reviews issues of improving migrants’ conditions
Visit of representatives of the regional public organization “Tajikistan Youth Association of Students in St. Petersburg” was held in Dushanbe from April 20 to May 5 as a part of the MATRA Program. The aim of the visit was to study the situation of the local labor market in the time of mass inflow of labor migrants, perspectives of labor migration and also meetings with state and public organizations.
In Russian: .




Labor law and social protection
Tashkent has recently hosted an international seminar organized by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan jointly with the International Labor Organization on implementation of key provisions of International Labor Organization conventions ratified by the Republic of Uzbekistan. The event was attended by senators, MPs, law enforcement officials, representatives of the government, public and international organizations.
In Russian: .


Jobs are the bail for well-being
Under the President’s monitoring, an emphasis is set on welfare and increase of household income by ensuring employment. Given the situation on the labor market, social status of families, the start of employment period for graduates of higher educational institutions and professional colleges, citizens, who passed military service, a special government program is approved and implemented each year by the Uzbek government.
In Russian: .


Russia prefers deporting Uzbeks rather than putting them on trial
SOVA, a Russian consultancy firm, believes that a number of Uzbek citizens being tried in Russia for religious extremism is decreasing, mainly because of the increasing tendency to automatically deport Uzbeks to their native country.
In English: .




V. Putin instructs to introduce examination in Russian and history for migrants
The Russian President Vladimir Putin has instructed the government to take measures for the introduction of a compulsory examination in Russian language, Russian history and the basics of Russian legislation for migrant workers, with the exception of highly qualified professionals. The corresponding decree “On ensuring ethnic harmony” was published on the official website of the Russian President on May 7.
In Russian: or here. 

Russia got into top four countries best for migrant workers
Russia has got into the top four countries, despite the huge gap between the highest and lowest salaries. Countries where immigrants feel most comfortable, i.e. receive the highest return from work, were listed in the top of the rating of the best countries for foreigners to live and work in.
In Russian: .


Federal Migration Service staff detained on suspicion of illegal issuance of passports
Several officials of the Russia’s Federal Migration Service were detained on suspicion of illegal issuance of Russian passports to foreigners. According to the investigation, a criminal group managed to issue nearly a thousand passports, the representative of the Ministry of Interior’s Press Service reported.
In Russian: .


Expert: Introducing tests for migrants will lead to emergence of new corruption schemes
As a strategy, Putin's decision to oblige migrants to take exams in Russian language, history and the basics of Russian legislation, is absolutely correct, but given the corrupt system of legalization of migrants, it may not lead to improvement of the migration policy, but to increased levies on foreign workers. This opinion was expressed by the Head of "Migration and Law" Center Gavhar Juraeva.
In Russian: .


Trial case on unlawful cut of migration quota for Gastarbeiter launched in Sverdlovsk oblast
For the first time in Russia, a criminal investigation on illegal cut of quotas for labor migrants has been launched. The number of quota for migrant workers to Sverdlovsk region in 2012 was cut by 4478 people compared with last year. Corruption signs in the actions of employees of the Ministry of Economy officials have been observed by the officials of the Sverdlovsk oblast.
In Russian: .


Parents wanted to sell their daughter in Moscow for 150,000 rubles
Moscow police have detained immigrants from neighboring countries who tried to sell their newborn infant. A woman from Kyrgyzstan and a man from Uzbekistan were arrested while trying to sell their newborn daughter for 150,000 rubles. According to investigators, the criminal case on “buying-selling of a human” has been initiated.
In Russian: .




Nazarbayev and Atambayev agree to simplify residence regime of Kyrgyz citizens in Kazakhstan
During the official visit of the President of the KR Almazbek Atamabaev in Kazakhstan, an agreement on simplifying the residence regime for Kyrgyz citizens in Kazakhstan was agreed upon. “... We actually agreed at the political level that the citizens of Kyrgyzstan may stay 90 days with a registration within the first five days” - said President Nursultan Nazarbayev.
In Russian: or here.


Administration of Executive Committee of CIS to meet Director of International Organization for Migration in Minsk
The CIS Executive Committee will host a meeting of the Deputy Chairman of the CIS Executive Committee - CIS Executive Secretary, Toktasyn Buzubaeva, with the Director of the Regional Office of the International Organization for Migration in Austria, Renate Held, in Minsk. They will discuss the issues of cooperation between the CIS Executive Committee and the Administration of the IOM, the measures taken by the countries of the Commonwealth in joint management of migration, fighting illegal migration and trafficking, as well as the role of statutory bodies and bodies of the industry cooperation of CIS in the field.
In Russian: .


CIS migrants to be a solution to natural decline of population in Russia
During the first quarter of 2012 in the Tambov region, the number of migrants from the CIS and Kazakhstan increased by 62.8% and 18.6% respectively, compared to the same period of last year. As Migration Service experts observe that the influx of people from the CIS countries can be regarded as a positive phenomenon, as observed in a large natural population decline.
In Russian: .


International News


“Violence is generated by political isolation, the fight for resources, unemployment and corruption” - UN Secretary-General
Many countries that have managed to get out of the war for the past two decades, returned to conflict due to unstable political systems, said UN Secretary General, Pan Ki-moon, speaking at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. “Violence is generated by political isolation, the struggle for natural resources, lack of jobs, corruption and human rights violations”, - said the UN Secretary-General.
In Russian: or here.


Barcelona opposes Madrid defending its illegal immigrants
Catalonia has refused to apply law abolishing the free medical insurance for illegal immigrants in its territory which was recently passed by the Spanish authorities. While the medical insurance for illegal immigrants was prohibited in Madrid, Barcelona promises to serve all people regardless of their status.
In Russian: .


Easier for Ukrainians to find work in Italy
In Italy, there are almost 500 thousand Ukrainian “guest workers”. The Italian government plans to extend the terms for the search of work for migrant workers, including Ukrainians. The bill submitted to the Parliament provides issuance of a permit for foreigners to stay for two years, after the first update period is extended for three years.
In Russian: . 


Residence permit in Latvia is popular among foreigners
Foreign investors have been able to evaluate the benefits of “buying” a residence permit in Latvia. Therefore, from July 2010 to April 2012 about 3,000 people have invested in real estate in the amount of € 210 million. Thus, they could qualify for a residence permit.
In Russian: .




Export of labor considered to be harmful both literally and figuratively
Our labor migrants are dying in foreign lands where they go to work or which they travel through. The main task of the government is to send money to create jobs, not to teach, for instance, its citizens a foreign language to be able to find jobs in foreign countries. From an economic point of view infinitely counting on migrant workers’ remittances is ultimately disastrous for both the economy and the country.
In Russian: or here.


Tajik migration to Russia
No one questions the role and importance of immigrants from Tajikistan in Russia who contribute to the economy and culture of the RF. However, many legends and myths exist around this topic. Messages about millions of Tajiks living and working in Russia, about several million illegal migrants from Tajikistan, and tens of millions from other states, are continuously flashed in the media and Internet.
In Russian: .


Migrants between xenophobia and amnesty
Human rights activists and social scientists in Russia offer a large-scale migration amnesty aimed at the legalization of migrant workers, and countrymen, who for decades lived in the country without Russian citizenship. The RF Federal Migration Service says that it sees no need for such an amnesty. Meanwhile, according to various sources there are 2 to 12 million illegals living on Russian territory.
In Russian: .


Zh. Kuvat: Many Kyrgyz trust and go to “Russia” as a panacea...
I will never forget the dry tears and longing eyes of the father of seven children, five of which went to Russia to work. Out of them, four are daughters. The last one left, when she was 14 years old, did not know Russian, she had a long braid longer than her waist and big Fergana eyes with fluffy eyelashes. They all say that – there, in Russia, everything is fine, but something struck the family with their departure. They do not tell the father, but he feels. His beloved daughter, what happened to her? A former teacher at the school: today he cannot give her a future, only the beautiful stories about the past. He only has a yard with dried apricots, a donkey and a cow.
In Russian: . 
A. Zotin: Slave trade of XXI century
New generation of robots will replace people even in those areas which were considered to be impossible or unprofitable until now. People dream that in 40-50 years robots will replace humans and are afraid of it. This is finally going to happen. A large-scale robotization will bring the world economy to a new model of development.
In Russian: .


International Labor Organization: “A child is walking with a box …”
According to experts, the recruitment of child labor in Tajikistan is becoming scourge in society and it is unlikely that the problem can be solved without improving the socio-economic status in the family. However, as experts say, the fight against this phenomenon cannot be effective, as there is no idea of the overall picture of the problem and there are no statistics on it.
In Russian: .


A. Meshkov: When I was a Russian Gastarbeiter in Tajikistan. Part 2
Our reporter arrives in Dushanbe to discover this mysterious country. At the airport he meets a strange frontier guard and takes a cheap hotel. In the morning, at the labor exchange, Alexander will know that there is no work for him in the capital.
In Russian: .




“Migration and remittances. Facts and Figures”, 2nd edition, 2011
Statistical Handbook prepared by experts of the World Bank to assess the prospects for development: Dilip Ratha, Mohapatra and Ani Silwan.
In Russian:


“The World Migration Report 2011. Communicating Effectively About Migration”, IOM, 2011
The report is the sixth edition of the series of World Reports on Migration of IOM. This year's report focuses on public perceptions of migration.
In English: .




Online conference: “May I be employed: rights of foreigners to work in the Ukraine”

On May 11, 2012 Expert Company HeadHunter Ukraine, lawyer Anne Vojvodina, will answer all the questions relating opportunities, rights and guarantees of employment of foreign citizens in the Ukraine. In the framework of the Internet conference various options for legal employment and how to implement each option can be learned.

In Russian: .


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