
好色tv - AUCA - News Digest No 14



Date: May 18-24, 2012



“AreslorMittal Temirtau” workers demand salary raise for not less than 30%
In Temirtau city of Karaganda oblast, workers of the “AreslorMittal Temirtau” have held a sanctioned protest demanding a salary raise for metallurgists and miners. “This is our industrial dispute and decisions are to be adopted within the legal procedures” - said the protest’s organizers.
In Russian: .


Average salary in western Kazakhstan oblast estimated at 93 thousand tenge
The highest salary in the industrial sector – 186.5 thousand tenge which doubles the average salary indicator in the region. Followed by the highest salary in construction – 122.4 thousand tenge, in finances and insurance – 122.3 thousand tenge, in transport and storage – 113.5 thousand tenge.
In Russian: .


Vegetable storage owner in Kyzylorda oblast expands his business with the help of the “Employment 2020” Program
Owner of a vegetable storage shop from Aralsk in Kyzylorda oblast Serikbai Sayanov expands his business with the help of the Employment 2020 Program’s instruments. In the second stage of the Program, S. Sayanov received a loan of 1.5 million tenge for the expansion of his vegetable storage shop.
In Russian: .


“Employment 2020” Program: Entrepreneur from Almaty oblast gets 100 smaller stock and 25 black cattle
The entrepreneur Ruslan Mamedov from Karagash village, Kerbulak Raion, Almaty oblast, has acquired 100 smaller stock and 25 black cattle within the “Employment 2020” Program. Ruslan has been trained at special courses on entrepreneurship in the branch of the 好色tv of Central Asia. These conditions are set by the second stage of the Program – “Developing entrepreneurship in rural areas.”
In Russian: .
Western Kazakhstan oblast resident employed as an agent at boiler station within Employment 2020 Program
Before applying for the Program, Zhahiya Ergaliev was unemployed. Within the Program, he was trained in a three-month vocational course as ‘operator of a gas boiler station’ in Burlinsk Agricultural College, Western Kazakhstan oblast.
In Russian: .


More than 700 violations of migration legislation revealed in SKO this week
During the “Nelegal” operational-preventive actions, the police of the Southern Kazakhstan oblast (SKO) has revealed 739 cases of violation of residence rules in the RK by foreigners, the Press Service of the SKO Home Affairs Department states. “Furthermore, the police discovered 463 cases of migration law violations, 12 foreigners have been deported from the country”, - said the Press Service Head Saltanat Karakozova.
In Russian: .


Criminal case against Kyrgyz citizen initiated in Karaganda
During the “Nelegal” operational-preventive actions, police uncovered a citizen of Kyrgyzstan, who was charged administrative penalty twice for breaching immigration rules. However, he has as yet not fulfilled the court’s decision. A criminal case has been initiated against him (Art 330-1 CC RK).
In Russian: or here.




Kyrgyzstan’s President approves amendments to Labor Code
The President of Kyrgyzstan A. Atambaev signed the Law "On Introducing Amendments to the Labor Code of the KR", adopted by the Jogorku Kenesh (The Supreme Council of Kyrgyzstan) on April 6, 2012. The aim of the law is to improve the mechanisms of protecting the rights and interests of employees by increasing the procedural deadline set by the Labor Code to appeal to the authorities for submitting individual industrial disputes from one month to two months.
In Russian: .


MFA of Kyrgyzstan develops immigration policy strategy
The Kyrgyz Ministry of Foreign Affairs develops a strategy on migration policy and an action plan for a medium-term perspective on immigration issues, Ruslan Kazakbaev announced in New York at a meeting with representatives of the NY Kyrgyz Diaspora. The Diaspora representatives raised issues of acquiring long-term visas, the legalization of labor migrants and their insurance, problems of students who stay in the USA on the WorkandTravel program, as well as plans for opening consular offices.
In Russian: or here.

JK Committee opposes exclusion of Workers Rehabilitation Fund from state social insurance system
According to the Head of the Committee, Member of the Social Democratic Party faction Damira Niyazalieva, abolition of the Fund is the easiest way to solve the problem. “Yes, today the business-community supports the government in its intention to eliminate this agency. But we should not forget about simple workers who need concessionary rehabilitation tickets” – she said.
In Russian: or here.

Moscow roundtable to discuss strategies for adaptation of Kyrgyz labor migrants and their family members in Russia
A roundtable was organized by the "Zamandash" Association at the Embassy of the KR in Russia, which will be attended by the representatives of the state and public organizations of Russia, international organizations and "Zamandash" Association from the regions of RF. The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of KR in RF Bolot Dzhunusov, Head of the Moscow Department of Labor and Employment Oleg Neterebsky, and a representative of the Federal Migration Service of Russia will open the roundtable.
In Russian: .

Kyrgyzstan to hold World Congress of Kyrgyzstanis in July and Forum of “Mekendeshter” compatriots in August
According to the organizers, both events are aimed at consolidating power and energy of compatriots for the development of Kyrgyzstan. The World Congress plans to discuss issues of legal status, protection of labor rights of our compatriots. "We have high expectations from the Forum – adoption of important documents and recommendations that will work and not be listed on paper ...", said Elvira Sariyeva, Head of the Organizing Committee of the Forum "Mekendeshter" and "Roza Otunbayeva’s Initiative" Foundation.
In Russian: or here.


Ministry of Youth, Labor and Employment to assist Kyrgyzstanis to get legally employed in the UAE
The Center for Employment of KR citizens abroad on behalf of the Ministry of Youth, Labor and Employment will help Kyrgyzstanis at the age of 20-35 to legally get employment in the United Arab Emirates, cities of Dubai and Abu-Dhabi. According to the Ministry’s Press Service, the main requirement for candidates is knowledge of English.
In Russian: or here.


Bishkek asks Russia to send language specialists to train local people
Kyrgyzstan offers Russia to open Russian language, history and culture training and testing centers in Bishkek and other regions of the country, including the possibility to send experts to Kyrgyzstan to teach Russian to local citizens - this statement was made by the Kyrgyz Minister of Foreign Affairs Ruslan Kazakbayev at the meeting with the Director of the Federal Migration Service (FMS) of Russia Konstantin Romodanovsky.
In Russian: .


452 people received immigrant status in Kyrgyzstan in 2011 – Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs N. Aytmurzaev
According to the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the KR Nurlan Aytmurzaev, 452 people received immigrant status in Kyrgyzstan in 2011. As he said at the meeting of the JK Committee on Defense and Security, a total of 471 applications for immigration status of foreign citizens and stateless people have been received by the MFA over the past year.
In Russian: or here.


Fewer Kyrgyz citizens go to work abroad
2684 citizens have left Kyrgyzstan for other countries that indicate reduced external migration flows. According to the National Statistics Committee, the level of external labor migration fell quite significantly in January-March 2012.
In Russian: .

Citizens of China obtain 60% of employment quota in Kyrgyzstan in 2011
At the meeting of the Jogorku Kenesh Committee of Defense and Security Deputy, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the KR Nurlan Aytmurzaev informed that the greatest number of the employment quota in Kyrgyzstan has been granted to citizens of China in the last year.  According to him, a 10,650 employment quota has been set for foreign employment in 2011.
In Russian: or here.


Yekaterinburg to host meeting of World Congress of Kyrgyzstanis and Compatriots’ Russian partners
A meeting of the Russian partners of the First World Congress of Kyrgyzstanis and Compatriots will soon be held in Yekaterinburg within the 15-year anniversary celebration of the “Kyrgyzstan-Ural” Foundation, one of the founders of the Kyrgyz Diaspora Association in Russia and Kazakhstan “Zamandash” and the Chief Partner of the Congress.
In Russian:  .


More and more Kyrgyzstanis achieve success abroad, informs “Zamandash” Association
More and more Kyrgyzstanis achieved success abroad in the last years, especially those who went abroad in a far way place. This was communicated by Executive Director of “Zamandash” Association Mairambek Japanov.
In Russian: . 


Kyrgyzstanis take part in Turkic People Parade in New York
The Parade was attended by nearly ten thousand people from various Turkic countries. According to the Kyrgyz Club, Kyrgyzstan has never participated in the Parade, this year, however, thanks to the efforts of the Kyrgyzstanis association Kyrgyz Club, the country was represented at the parade for the first time.
In Russian: or here.




Dushanbe discusses fate of labor migration
The three-day conference on migration was recently held in Dushanbe which gathered nearly 50 participants from the Commonwealth of Independent States. The aim of the conference was to exchange knowledge and experience, as well as to strengthen the regional cooperation on policy measures in the field of migration.
In Russian: .


World Bank to support Tajikistan in terms of pre-migration training of migrants
At the eve of the III Regional Conference on Migration and Remittances, Head of the Tajik Government’s Migration Service Safialo Devonaev met with Program Leader of the World Bank’s Migration and Remittances in Europe and Central Asia Program Sudharshan Canagarajah and WB’s Advisor on Migration Thomas Achakoso to discuss cooperation in the field of labor migration in Dushanbe. Devonaev thanked representatives of the World Bank for comprehensive support for Tajikistan in migration issues.
In English: .

More stable remittance inflow in comparison to other sources of external income
Inflow of remittances has been observed to be more stable in the period of crises in comparison to other sources of external income, stated Director of the World Bank on Economic Policy in Europe and Central Asia Ivon Tsikata in Dushanbe at the opening session of the three-day conference on migration.
In Russian: or here.


Tajik media-organizations wait for new wave of “brain drain”
The media-organizations from Tajikistan express their concerns over cases of attack and assault of citizens, in particular, of journalists. This was revealed in a joint statement of organizations which was sent to one of the correspondents of IA REGNUM.
In Russian: .

Income of Tajik citizens increases by almost 30%
The income of Tajikistan’s population is estimated at 4.6 billion somoni (over USD 967 million) in the first quarter of this year, according to preliminary estimations. This is higher than in a similar period in 2011, posing an increase by 34.6% according to reliable estimates.
In Russian: .


Cooperation with heads of foreign language centers
Meeting of the Head of the Migration Service on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan S.Devonaev with directors of foreign language centers “PayeomiSubn”, “Sadr”, and “Shumo”. In his speech, S. Devonaev emphasized the importance of comprehensive training of labor migrants going abroad.
In Russian: .


Positive decision long awaited: 4-month waiting period
The lawyer of the Informational-Legal Center “Migration and Law” in Moscow Anara Beisheeva had to struggle for a group of labor migrants from Tajikistan for more than four months. Four newly arrived women in Russia had been working for two months cleaning offices in one of the auto services in Moscow. Later they were fired without payment.
In Russian: .


12 undocumented migrants from Tajikistan arrested in Yekaterinburg
The Center of Extremism Counteraction of the State Department of the Home Ministry of Russia in Sverdlovsk oblast held operational-preventive activities on revealing people illegally staying in the territory of the RF, including those inclined to commit crimes of terrorist extremism. As a result of adopted measures, 12 citizens of Tajikistan have been detained in Yekaterinburg who stayed in Russia violating the migration legislation.
In Russian: .




Jobs for each graduate
The rational use of human resources in Uzbekistan is under close and constant monitoring of the head of the country. On the initiative of President Islam Karimov, assistance centers for employment and social protection, helping with the realization of an annual program of job creation and social protection provision, have been opened. Job seekers apply to these centers to find employment and companies with current vacancies.
In Russian: .


Uzbekistan as a planter of the XXI century
The Uzbek authorities do not favor discussing how they make students and teachers work in the cotton industry. But now that the cotton planting season is in full swing, some brave activists tell us that children and adults are forced to work in cotton fields in dangerous conditions without pay.
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Significant results of consistent work
Prior meaning is given to the issues of employment of graduates of vocational and professional colleges and to the achievement of appropriate supply and demand in the labor market. In Jizzak oblast, identical work is conducted in a consequent manner.
In Russian: .

Job fair for graduates
A Job fair was held at the Nukus professional college of automobile-road economy and services. At the event, organized by the Karakalpak Department of the Uzbek Agency of Automobile and River Transport jointly with the Nukus City Hokimiyat, City Center of Employment Assistance and Social Protection, City Department of Youth Public Movement “Kamolot”, 47 enterprises and organizations offered 216 vacancies.
In English: .

Namangan Susanne
Uzbekistan pays close attention to the raising status and activity of women in society concerning their rights and interests. In particular, the government creates wide opportunities for business women willing to establish private businesses.
In Russian: .




Russian FMS to be subordinated directly to the government, not to the Home Ministry
The new structure of the Russian government entails re-subordination of four agencies: Rosstat, FMS and Rsopotrebnadzor now will be monitored directly by the government, and Roslybolovstvo, conversely, is transferred to the subordination of Minselhoz.
In Russian: .


Illegal migrants to be deported by bailiff officers
Illegal migrants will be deported from the Russian Federation by the bailiff officers. Moreover, an illegal migrant has to pay a fine in the amount of 2 thousand rubles, if the illegal migrant leaves Russia without paying the fine he/she will be barred from entering Russian territory for at least 5.
In Russian: .


46% of Russians disapprove of migration amnesty in the country: POF survey
Russia is developing a bill on migration amnesty at present. The meaning of it is that illegal migrants can report to the authorities and get an official temporary residence and work permit in Russia. 46% of Russians disapprove of migration amnesty in the country, while 28% approve, and 26% are uncertain. These are the findings of the survey conducted by the “Public Opinion Foundation” on May 20, 2012.
In Russian: .


Anti-trafficking roundtable held in Moscow
Moscow has recently hosted an international roundtable on "Strengthening cooperation between competent agencies of international universal and regional organizations in combating human trafficking". Proposals on the matrix of further joint actions and implementation of specific practical measures and establishing effective mechanisms of coordination and interaction have been discussed.
In Russian: .


Mikhail Kozlov: Banks to reorient their focus on Gastarbeiter
According to Head of the Federal Political Council of “Loan Amnesty” Party Mikhail Kozlov, the loan-giving organizations and collectors have found a new lucrative market: loaning Gastarbeiter. Loaning Gastarbeiter has become a new type of activity for microfinance organizations, banks and collectors, according to Kozlov.
In Russian: .


St. Petersburg Migration Service receives guests from Moscow
The Migration Service of St. Petersburg and Leningrad oblast received a commission from Moscow. The capital’s inspectors estimated all activities of the agency.
In Russian: .

Migrants – diocesan course of Russian language students successfully completed tests
In the school of Spassky Cathedral of Pyatigorsk, the students of diocesan courses of Russian language and culture for labor migrants have passed on tests to the Commission of the Testing Center of the Stavropol State 好色tv. All thirty people from the first round have passed the tests and received certificates.
In Russian: .

Migrants commit less than 2% of crimes committed in the territory of the RF
Foreign citizens living and working in Russia commit less than 2% of crimes committed in the territory of Russia in one year. This was informed by the Press Secretary of the Representative Office of Migration Service of Tajikistan in the RF Bakhtiyor Sattory “Analysis of the impact of migration on the level of criminality in the RF: myths against facts.”
In Russian: .


Migrants’ problems and tolerance issues discussed in the lecture “Ideas of Russian Nation”
Russian national artist, Professor and Director of Art of the “Buff” Theater Isaak Shtokband has recently given an open lecture. The discussion was held on several topics: notion of “Russian” migrants in big cities, inter-religious dialogue, national policy and inter-national differences, tolerance and patience, the Russian ‘special way’.
In Russian: .


Director of Murmansk Oblast Migration Service to hold video-reception
Department of the FMS of the Murmansk oblast will hold a video-reception on May 31, 2012 at which the Head of the Department Makarevich Boris Anatolyevich will answer topical questions.
In Russian: .


Kupchino residents ask for help “to catch” illegal migrants
Frunze region announces the first phase of operational-preventive activities “Nelegal” aimed at revealing labor migrants, illegally staying and working in the territory of the region.
In Russian: .


All Gastarbeiter to be removed from Vladivostok before summit starts
Measures will be taken against Gastarbeiter from former Soviet republics. Sub-contractors who employed the workers on construction sites are obliged to take all measures to send them back home.
In Russian: .




World Bank: Gastarbeiter have to be prepared for employment also by receiving countries
Labor migration in the developing region of Europe and Central Asia has become more active in the last decade and necessitates coordinated actions in the whole region, stated Philipp Le Werru, the Vice President of the World Bank’s Europe and Central Asia division at the III Regional Conference on migration issues.
In Russian:  .

Camp of illegal migrants found in Podmoskovye
In Dolgoprudnom city, staff of the Migration Service have detained 130 foreign citizens, including women and children, residing in the territory of a former summer village of “Literaturnaya gazeta” in one of the micro-regions of the city. Among the detained are citizens of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Azerbaijan.

In Russian: .


Mass fight between Uzbeks and Kyrgyz takes place in Moscow
A major fight occurred between migrants from Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan last Sunday in the center of Moscow. As a result 79 people were detained. As it was informed, the fight took place in Olimpiysk Avenue.
In Russian: or here.

Inter-ethnic fight between Tajik and Kyrgyz citizens took place in Novosibirsk
Nearly 50 citizens of Tajikistan and 4 citizens of Kyrgyzstan were engaged in an inter-ethnic fight in Dzerjinsky Raion of Novosibirsk. Residents of nearby houses informed the police about the large fight at the bus stop on Gusinoborodsky street.
In Russian: or here.


International News


Geneva to hold forum on issues of youth employment
The International Labor Organization held a forum in Geneva devoted to problems of youth unemployment. Today 40% of all unemployed people in the world equivalent to 75 million people – are youth. The level of unemployment among youth even in the European countries exceeds all possible indicators. In the eve of the forum, the ILO announced its report on tendencies of youth unemployment.
In Russian: .


Minsk hosts a workshop on “Best practices and perspectives in the fight against human trafficking”
The international training center on training, advanced training and professional development in the sphere of migration and the fight against human trafficking at the Home Affairs Academy of Belarus has launched an international training course “Best Practices and Perspectives on the Fight Against Human Trafficking” with the participation of representatives of competent agencies of Belarus, Moldova and the Ukraine.
In Russian: .


Switzerland to limit entry for labor migrants from ‘new’ member states of the EU
Brussels sharply criticized Switzerland for introducing a ban on entry for citizens of eight countries of the European Union. Switzerland’s government limits issuance of work permits as of May 1 to not more than 2000 a year. The limitations will touch upon workers from a majority of the so-called new countries of the EU (joined in 2004) – Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary and the Czech Republic.
In Russian: .


Sudan evicts migrants and international organizations
The international organization on migration expresses its concerns by the decision of the Sudanese White Nile state governor to throw out all non-governmental and international organizations, as well as Southern Sudanese citizens who are unsuccessfully trying to return home. According to the state’s authorities, all migrants have to leave the “City of Bone” located 200 km south of the capital of Khartuma in May.
In Russian: .


Indonesia bans workers to the Middle East – again
The Indonesian government announced that it is once again imposing a travel ban on nations most incompatible with its new, more vigorous requirements for migrant workers; new workers cannot travel to Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait, or Syria until concrete labor rights and legal rights for Indonesian citizens are secured. Negotiations between Saudi Arabia and Indonesia regarding the rights of domestic workers recently failed after the KSA declined the government’s request for a 60% wage increase.
In English: .




Migration Choice of Russia
In 2011 the Government instructed the Federal Migration Service in cooperation with experts and community representatives to develop a new strategy for migration management. The Draft Concept of the Migration Policy 2012-2025 period was presented at the beginning of the year and today is in assertion by the government. The project focuses on the concept of management of skilled, student and internal migration, but does not include new methods for solving the problems of illegal migration and labor.
In Russian: .


Dear guests come without invitations?
“Last” in migrants’ problems, experts name the employers – saying that they do not want to take on responsibility for foreign labor. This conclusion was made by specialists at a roundtable of the juridical forum.
In Russian: .


Analysis of migration impact on level of criminality in the RF: facts against myths
Russia takes the second place on the number of migrants in the world after the USA. According to the FMS of the RF from 2008, the average number of foreigners residing in Russia is estimated at nearly 9 million. Mass migration being among the main reasons – other reasons incorporate culture, religion and level of education of migrants, as well as fear of the local population to lose jobs and fear of growth of the crime level. This analysis studies the impact of migration on the level of criminality in Russia.
In Russian: .

Unemployment – main problem of Tajik youth
Studies show that the level of unemployment among youth at the age of 15-24 years reached the 2009 level when a majority of countries of the world was experiencing the global financial crisis. Thus, today 75 million people in the world equivalent to almost 13% of the world’s population cannot find jobs. This problem is especially acute in the countries of eastern Europe and FSU countries where the total level of unemployment among youth is 17.5%. The ILO warns that the situation may not take a turn for the better even by 2016.
In Russian: .

“An orphan with a living father”
Taken off the train earlier, citizens of Kyrgyzstan Pusurmanova N.U. and Tukeeva N. along with their young children finally returned to their home country, having received necessary documents from KR Embassy in the RF. Part of the expenses for travel and accommodation in Orenburg city were covered by the members of the local national-cultural autonomy “Mekendesh”.
In Russian: .


Unacceptance of Gastarbeiter by Russians – inner world of disgusting attitude
Some villains uploaded a video on the Internet where they were bullying Kyrgyz migrant girls. The sadists called these actions “educational measures” and claimed to be members of a “Patriot” group. This happened several days ago after the government received new laws from a new president, including laws on migration issues.
In Russian: .


Migrants wait for support
During the whole period of independence Moscow has registered nearly ten public organizations of labor migrants of Kyrgyzstan and nearly forty in Russia. Out of them Moscow currently counts only four officially registered by the Justice Ministry. In spite of the number of Kyrgyz citizens coming to Russia constantly growing, the number of active organizations is very small.
In Russian: .


“Enough Central Asian labor in Russia until 2030”
The major problems, which are created by migrants in Russia, are not connected with criminality. The criminality among CIS immigrants is in fact very low, believes Head of Migration Laboratory at the Institute of Macroeconomic Forecast at the Russian Academy of Sciences Zhanna Zaichonkovskaya. In her interview she talks about how many migrants Russia needs, how to achieve the situation in which they work legally and their contributed impact to the economy of the country.
In Russian: .




International Dialogue on Migration N°18 - Climate Change, Environmental Degradation and Migration
This publication contains the report and supplementary materials of a workshop on “Climate Change, Environmental Degradation and Migration”, which was held in Geneva, Switzerland on 29–30 March, 2011.
In English: .


Migration and Development Brief, 18, Migration and Remittances Unit
By Dilip Ratha and Ani Silwal, April, 2012
Migration and Development Briefs are prepared by the Migration and Remittances Unit, Development Economics (DEC) and Poverty Reduction and Economic Management (PREM) network. These briefs are intended to be informal briefing notes on migration, remittances, and development.
In English: .


“Your right. Migration”
The next issue of the newspaper No 10 for May 2012 has been published.
In Russian: .




Ministry of Labor announces call to become a member of National Council on Gender Development under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic

The Department of Gender Policy of the Ministry of Youth, Labor and Employment of the Kyrgyz Republic announces a call for interested applicants from civil society for National Council on Gender Development under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic according to the Decree of the Government of the KR dated May 2, 2012, No 268 “On Establishment of National Council on Gender Development under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic”.

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