
好色tv - AUCA - News Digest No 15



Date: May 25-31, 2012



Kazakhstan to join ILO Convention on Equal Rights of Men and Women at Work
At the session held in the framework of the 5th Astana Economic Forum, the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Kazakhstan, Gulshara Abdykalikova, reported on conducting work on Kazakhstan's accession to the three conventions of the International Labor Organization.
In Russian: .


Changes to the Decree of Kazakhstan government on border checkpoints adopted
The RK Government Decree dated April 26, 2012 鈩 533 was amended in the Decree dated December 13, 2005 鈩 1240 "On issues of border checkpoints operation of the Republic of Kazakhstan."
In Russian: .


Program of returning ethnic Kazakhs to Kazakhstan closed
In Kazakhstan, at the beginning of this year, one of the most ambitious government programs was quietly suspended - a program for the resettlement of repatriates (Kazakh oralmans - "returnees"), living abroad to their historic homeland. Officially, the program is suspended "until further order of the government," since the new program is under development at the Ministry of the Interior. In the years of 2011-14 an annual quota for the arrival of ten thousand families was set. In 2011, the quota was doubled on special order of President Nazarbayev.
In Russian: .

Curbing Human Trafficking in Kazakhstan (audio report)
In the report on human trafficking 2011, the US State Department stated that Kazakhstan had become an end destination and, to a lesser extent, a source and transit country for victims of forced labor and sexual exploitation.
In English: .


Communication workers get highest average salary, farmers and foresters get lowest in the east of the country
Information and communication scientists, staff of professional, scientific and technical fields, financial, insurance and industry workers received the highest salary in March of this year, in the east of the country. Agricultural workers, as well as workers in forestry and fisheries received the lowest salary.
In Russian: .

Over the last year inflow of qualified graduates to villages has increased significantly, - M. Troshikhin
Recently, the Eurasian National 好色tv under the auspices of L. N. Gumilev, has held a meeting with the graduates of secondary education and higher educational institutions to raise awareness of the project "To the village - with a diploma" as part of the company, "The future starts today." Over the last year in the RK the inflow of graduates who decided to work in rural areas after graduation has increased significantly, the Deputy Director of the Investment Policy of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan Mikhail Troshikhin said at the meeting.
In Russian: .




Kyrgyz Parliament approves the 60-day visa-free regime for citizens of 44 countries at its second reading
The Kyrgyz Parliament recently approved the draft Law "On introducing a visa-free regime for citizens of some countries for a period of 60 days" at its second reading. The visa-free regime will be in effect until December 31, 2015.
In Russian: . 


Prime Ministers of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan discuss acceleration of opening checkpoints at Kyrgyz-Kazakh border
The Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Omurbek Babanov met with his Kazakh counterpart Karim Masimov in the framework of the working meetings of the Council of the CIS governments’ heads in Turkmenistan. Issues of bilateral cooperation, in particular, the acceleration of the opening of crossing points on the Kyrgyz-Kazakh border and the issues of trade and economic cooperation were discussed.
In Russian: or here.


MFA has not yet allocated migration quota for foreigners to work in 2012, - MP M. Bakirov
According to the Jogorku Kenesh Deputy, a member of the “Respublika” faction Mirlan Bakirov, Department of External Migration at the Kyrgyz Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has not yet allocated the migration quotas for 2012, while foreigners continue to come to Kyrgyzstan for work.
In Russian: or here.


Member of Parliament T. Baltabaev urges to expedite resolution of state borders delimitation and demarcation issues
Tashbolot Baltabaev, the Jogorku Kenesh Deputy from the “Ata Meken” faction stated that there is a need to expedite the resolution of state border delimitation and demarcation issues, and that the Parliament is one of the branches of the authority, which may contribute to the speedy resolution of this issue. He also said that the Speaker and the leaders of the five factions should go to Batken, for example, and see what difficulties our citizens face in the field and what condition they are in.
In Russian: or here.


Volume of remittances to Kyrgyzstan from abroad increases by 16% for four months
In January-April 2012, remittances by individuals from CIS and other countries to Kyrgyzstan estimated at USD 496.39 million, which is 16% higher than in a similar period last year.
In Russian: .


Erlan Abdyldayev: It is impossible to tackle migrant workers’ problems without identifying the exact number
“Kyrgyzstan cannot solve the problems of migrant workers, without identifying the exact number,” – was said at a video conference: “The negative trends of youth migration,” director of IWPR in KR Erlan Abdyldayev. According to him, some sources indicate 1 million Kyrgyz migrants abroad, other data show around 250 thousand persons.
In Russian: .


Expert: Labor migration causes deterioration of genetic bank of Kyrgyzstan
This was informed by expert of the “Polis Asia” Center Pavel Dyatlenko at the videoconference of Bishkek-Almaty-Dushanbe titled “Negative tendencies of youth migration”. According to him, migration affects the genetic bank of Kyrgyzstan extremely negatively. “After the 2010 events, migration was activated in all ethnic groups. Speeding of the migration processes in its turn causes demographic and birth decline and deterioration of the genetic bank of the country, as well as many other problems”.
In Russian: .

Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in Sochi intends to open an additional office of the Honorary Consulate of the KR
At the initiative of the Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan in Russia Bolot Junushov, it was decided to consider the possibility of opening an additional consular point in Sochi by means of efforts of the Honorary Consul of the KR in the Krasnodar region and Krasnodar Alexei Chinaliev.
In Russian: .


Administration of Home Affairs Department of Jalal-Abad oblast meets with representatives of diasporas
At the initiative of the Chief of Internal Affairs of Jalal-Abad oblast, Malik Nurdinov, a meeting was held with the diaspora of various nationalities. M. Nurdinov urged residents for peace, national unity and not to succumb to various provocations on the eve of the second anniversary of the June events.
In Russian: .


Representatives of Procurator's Office and international organizations in Issyk-Kul discuss ways to combat human trafficking
A regional dialogue on improving cooperation of prosecutors, among the countries of Central Asia, in combating human trafficking and illegal migration was held in Issyk-Kul oblast. The participants discussed issues of international cooperation of prosecutors, defense of rights of victims of trafficking and exchanged information and experiences on the implementation of laws in this area.
In Russian: or here.


Kyrgyzstanis in Montreal support Forum of Compatriots organized by "Roza Otunbaeva’s Initiative" Foundation
Kyrgyzstanis living in the city of Montreal (Canada), during a meeting with the former President Roza Otunbayeva, expressed their support for the initiative to hold the Forum of Compatriots "Mekendeshter". As Mukhtar Maksutbaev, Coordinator of the Kyrgyzstanis association in Montreal, noted that Kyrgyzstanis abroad are uniting and working on promoting the Kyrgyz language in Canada, many Kyrgyzstanis also render support to their relatives and home villages in Kyrgyzstan, and this Forum can become a starting point of consolidated efforts for the sake of the country’s development.
In Russian: or here.


Embassy of KR in Russia helps compatriots go home
The representatives of the Religious Board of Muslims of the KR in Russia and the leaders of the Kyrgyz Diaspora in Moscow and Moscow oblast have assisted in sending KR citizens home, including the newborn twins with their mother.
In Russian: .


Kyrgyz migrant workers rush to learn the "great and mighty"
Recently, Russia announced plans to conduct an examination in Russian language skills for migrant workers. Various NGOs in the KR open courses teaching Russian language, culture and professional skills in order to help Kyrgyz citizens find good jobs abroad. Recently, the Kyrgyz government has also joined to such study programs.
In Russian: .


Kyrgyz Consul in Krasnodar A. Chinaliev tells about help rendered to migrant workers
The Honorary Consul of the KR in the Krasnodar region and the city of Krasnodar Alexei Chinaliev presented a progress report for the period of 2011 and 2012 until May in the Kyrgyz Embassy in Russia. The Honorable Consulate reported that it received applications from more than one thousand Kyrgyz citizens on various issues, out of this the Consulate assisted in residence registration and giving residence permits to 523 citizens, in acquiring passports for more than 100 persons and sending 10 people to Kyrgyzstan at laissez-passer.
In Russian: or here.


A. Nurdinov’s book “Compatriots Abroad” awarded Diploma at the “The Art of a Book” contest of CIS countries
A book of a Kyrgyzstani Abdyjapar Nurdinov “Compatriots Abroad” was awarded a Diploma of the 3-category and gained 37 points at the International Contest of CIS countries “The Art of a Book”. This was the first nomination of the competition called “Commonwealth”.
In Russian:


Moscow gives a start to the 9th championship of International Football League
Teams of “A” and “B” groups have recently met. All teams, members of the IFL, were created by the heads of national public associations in Moscow; they are members of the International Advisory Council under the Moscow administration.
In Russian: .


Sadist-“patriots” identified
One of the Kyrgyz women-migrants who suffered slaughter and abuse by her compatriots in Moscow, has decided to file a complaint with the police. At the evidence given by the woman, police of the Jalal-Abad Home Affairs Department have identified the men suspected in the massacre. This information and the documents will be sent to the Russian police soon.
In Russian: .




Tajik MFA interprets amendments to the Law “On Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the RT”
Recently, members of the Lower Chamber of the Parliament of Tajikistan has adopted amendments to the Law “On legal status of foreign nationals in the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan” proposed by the President, with following changes: “The procedure of the unilateral introduction of visa-free regime of the Republic of Tajikistan and foreign states determined by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan”.
In Russian: .


Tajikistan removes visa requirement for citizens of developed states
Deputy Foreign Minister Mahmudjon Sobirov at a news conference in the capital Dushanbe said that the Lower Chamber of Parliament approved legislation allowing visa-free visits for citizens from the United States, the European Union, and a handful of nations in Southeast Asia. The draft law would permit their stay for up to one month. Sobirov said the purpose for relaxing the entry requirement is to develop the country’s tourism industry, encourage trade with those countries, and attract higher levels of foreign investment.
In English: .


Tajik migrants to give test in Russian language knowledge
The first Deputy Head of the Migration Service informed that starting on January 1, 2013 migrant workers who come to Russia to work will be tested in Russian language knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary to effectively use the remaining time to address issues of teaching Russian.
In Russian: .


Wives Struggle as Tajik Labour Migrants Leave Troubles Behind (audio report)
The mass exodus of mainly male workers from Tajikistan brings the country large sums in remittances – the money they send home – but also a host of social problems. The audio program, in Tajik and Russian, went out on national radio stations in Tajikistan, as part of the IWPR project work funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
In English: .


Young Tajiks leave eastern region
At least one-third of young people in Badakhshan, a large but isolated region of southeast Tajikistan, is leaving for Russia or other countries for work. Over half of the youth in the region are partially or completely unemployed – many more than the official statistics suggests.
In English: .


Crisis and migration not hindrances to growth of population in Tajikistan
The UN believes that with the current pace of population growth of this Central Asian country, the number of people may increase two-fold in the coming 34 years. International organizations, as well as the Tajik authorities are concerned with this speed of population growth.
In Russian: .


Job search
Staff of the Representative Office of the Migration Service under the Government of the RT in the Russian Federation Shohnazar Tavarov, having an official visit in the Sverdlov oblast, has met with the Deputy Director of the State Institution “Yekaterinburg Employment Center” Oksana Samatova. They discussed issues, such as availability of jobs and opportunities for employment of Tajik citizens in Yekaterinburg city.
In Russian: .


“Diyor” in search for missing Tajiks in Russia
The organization "Dyer" in Soghd oblast in collaboration with the Russian TV program "Wait for me" (“Jdi menya”) is making all efforts to find missing migrants and bring them back home. The head of Diyor told that for the last 5 years 650 families have appealed for the help to find relatives and friends in Russia and Kazakhstan.
In Russian: .


Tajik migrants positively treated in Tomsk
Legalization of legal status of Tajik labor migrants in Tomks oblast of Russia was discussed at a meeting of the Head of the Tajik Government’s Migration Service Office in Russia Asror Odinaev with the Head of the Russian Federal Migration Service in Tomsk oblast, Alexander Romanov. "In general, the Tajik migrants’ work and law-abiding behavior deserve positive evaluation," – Romanov said, - "That’s why Tomsk Mayor’s Office is currently reviewing an opportunity to attract nearly 400 Tajiks to housing and communal system industries."
In English: .


Problems of Tajik labor migrants discussed in Kemerovo
Head of the Representation of the Migration Service of the Government of Tajikistan in Russia, Asror Odinaev, recently met with the head of the Federal Migration Service of the Kemerovo oblast, Yevgeny Osipchuk. The sides informed each other about the activities of their services, and discussed the major problems of temporary labor migration from Tajikistan to the oblast.
In Russian: .


Visiting Novosibirsk oblast
During his official trip to the Siberian Federal District, the Head of the Delegation of the Migration Service of the Republic of Tajikistan in the Russian Federation, Asror Odinaev, met with the head of the Office of the FMS in Novosibirsk oblast, Yuri Zvyagintsev. The parties discussed the migration situation in the region, issues of legalization of Tajik migrant workers, their employment and pre-migration training programs in Tajikistan.
In Russian: .


Citizen of Tajikistan to pay fine of 25 thousand rubles for bribing MFS employee in Russia
The Kirov City Court convicted 48-year-old Tajik citizen, who was found guilty in committing a crime under Art. 291 Part 1 of the Criminal Code of the RF (bribery of an official person) and he was sentenced to pay a fine of 25,000 rubles.
In Russian: .




WB Vice President: Uzbekistan to turn into an industrialized middle-income country by mid-century
The Vice-President of the World Bank for Europe and Central Asia, Philippe Le Houerou, completed his four-day visit to Uzbekistan. "The World Bank is encouraged by the strategic long-term goals for the development of Uzbekistan, which will turn the state into an industrialized country with middle income by mid-century. The country has witnessed good economic performance, but there are important things to be done," - said Le Houerou.
In English: or here.


New laws serve to develop entrepreneurship
In the city of Karshi, a seminar was held informing the public about the substance and importance of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On family entrepreneurship" and "On guarantees of freedom of business activity" in its new edition. The participants of the event noted that the Law of the RU “On family entrepreneurship” and new edition of the Law “On guarantees of freedom of business activity” facilitate development in the field, simplification of mechanism of organization of enterprises, providing more freedoms.
In Russian: . 


New enterprise in Chust
The city of Chust in Namangan oblast launches a company with limited liability «Avtosanoatplast» to produce plastic components for cars of domestic manufacture. To implement the first stage of the project, the company received investments according to the contract with «Uzautosan trading co. Ltd» (South Korea) and installed high technology equipment. The company produces three types of plastic components of the Spark automobile.
In Russian: .


Tax benefits for businesses
Samarkand hosted a meeting on the issues of law enforcement activities in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the President's decrees and orders on the support of business and the expansion of benefits and other opportunities available to them. It was attended by heads of relevant departments and agencies, law enforcement, heads of cities and regions, and entrepreneurs.
In Russian: .


Family business -  indicator of prosperity
The Law of the RU "On family entrepreneurship", adopted on April 26, 2012, is an important factor in enhancing the welfare, support and development of family businesses, according to the concept proposed by President Islam Karimov on further implementation of democratic reforms and the civil society development in the country.
In Russian:  .


Uzbek pilaf celebration held in Moscow
The XII International Travel Fair MITF-2012, a traditional event held before summer holidays, was organized in Gostiny Dvor in Moscow. More than 500 travel companies from 35 countries participated in this event. During the exhibition, Uzbekistan, with support of the Uzbek Embassy in Moscow and with the national agency "Uzbektourism", presented one of the most interesting programs - a fascinating cooking show of the pilaf preparation was shown.
In Russian: .


Uzbeks populate in Putin's hometown
Liteinyi Avenue and Mohovaya Street are densely populated by Uzbeks, who work in the local utilities and service industries. St. Petersburg hosts about 600 thousand Uzbeks! This is the largest diaspora of the city.
In Russian: .


6 women from Uzbekistan arrested in India on prostitution charges
With the arrest of six women, the Delhi Police claimed to have busted an international prostitution racket run in the Capital by women from Uzbekistan. According to a police officer, six women, including a pimp, were arrested recently. The racket was being run from a rented accommodation in south Delhi’s Chhatarpur farms by a woman pimp Gulnaaz (33), he said.
In English: or here.




Sergei Lavrov: We have to simplify naturalization procedures for those born in USSR
Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, believes that it is necessary to seriously simplify the procedure of granting Russian citizenship to those born in the USSR.
In Russian: .


Foreign nationals employment may get tougher
Deputies of the Russian State Duma will review the bill 鈩 598252-5 «On Amendments to Article 3 and 65 of the Labor Code" at its first reading, which imposes additional restrictions on hiring foreign nationals.
In Russian: .


Special program to help tackle illegal migration
The development of a special program called "Migration" designed for the period of 2012-2015 will be completed within the next two months. The new program involves a package of measures, such as filtering migrants at the primary level and allowing employment only of those people who the city requires; establishing clear employee-employer relations, under which the foreign workers rights are protected and immigration legislation is abided.
In Russian: .


Department of the Novgorod Federal Migration Service discusses migration processes in the oblast
A round table on “Tolerance and migration processes in the region” was participated by the representatives of the government agencies, heads of public organizations protecting the interests of foreigners and representatives of companies that help foreigners with employment. The main topic was the increasing number of migrants in the Novgorod oblast.
In Russian: .


Migrants contribute to Moscow demography
The Moscow Department of Family and Youth Policy noted that the newcomers are making a major contribution to the demographical situation of the city. Last year, the first time in two decades, the birth rate exceeded the death rate in Moscow, whereas 9.6% children were born in the families of foreigners.
In Russian: .


White Book of Services for women – migrant workers in Moscow
“White Book of Services for Migrant Women” is an electronic resource at aimed at creating an interactive online portal with the majority of services available to women migrant workers, which meets their basic needs (legalization, employment, the search for housing, placement of children in school, health care, learning the Russian language, protection from violence, etc.).
In Russian: .


A work license as a right to work
Foreign nationals in the territory of Russia use a number of rights, in particular, the right to freely choose occupation and profession, to employ their abilities and utilize their property for entrepreneurial activities allowed by the law.
In Russian: .


Local population hardly tolerate migrant workers 
Those who believe labor migration is good and those who consider it harmful are almost equal in number in today’s world, according to the survey of Gallup International/WIN. Russia is in the list of leaders of intolerance to migrants, although in recent years the attitude towards migrants in Russia has improved.
In Russian: .


Gastarbeiter leave Moscow
The capital’s immigrated population declines steadily - in 2011 it was reduced by 47%. This was announced by the Department of Family and Youth Policy, according to the Mosgorstat (Moscow Registration Statistics Committee). In accordance with the officials, it is connected with the policy of the Mayor’s Office “aimed at curbing illegal migration and control of labor migration”.
In Russian: .


Moscow Police suggests detaining undocumented migrants for three months
The administration of the Moscow Police is suggesting the adoption of legislation allowing arrest of undocumented foreign nationals and placing them in detention facilities for up to three months. This issue was addressed at a recent meeting of the Moscow City Duma’s Security Committee.
In Russian: .


Pyatigorsk hosts conference on "Russian language as a condition for adaptation and integration of foreign workers”
Pyatigorsk has recently hosted a regional research and training conference titled "Russian language as a condition for successful social adaptation and integration of foreign migrants into Russian society: Experience, Problems and Prospects”. The aim of the conference was to study the unique experience of a free-of-charge Russian language courses for foreign nationals in the Stavropol Territory who work under the Moscow Patriarchate of the Orthodox parishes and mosques.
In Russian: .


Camp for migrants’ children to be open in Kemerovo
Soon, the largest cities of the Kemerovo oblast - Novokuznetsk and Kemerovo - will operate a regional linguistic camp for migrant children "White Crane". The Camp is aimed at organizing training sessions in Russian language, on cultural and educational activities for children and young people of different nationalities - students in primary and secondary schools.
In Russian: .


Foreigners to work only in one plant in Omsk
Omsk Supply Base "Sibirksya” has become the only company in the region with the permission to employ foreign workers. Other candidates have not met the requirements of the Regional Ministry of Construction.
In Russian: .


Experts of Federal Migration Service Department note the influx of foreign nationals willing to work in Altai
Specialists of the Migration Service in the Altai Territory noted that there is an increase of people wishing to work in this region this year. Still the main contingent is made up of citizens of Uzbekistan (4524) and Tajikistan (885).
In Russian: .


Traders in Vladivostok fined for employing illegal migrants from Uzbekistan
At the initiative of the prosecutor, entrepreneurs operating in the Soviet district of Vladivostok are called to account for violations of immigration laws. According to Senior Assistant Attorney of Primorsky Krai, Yelena Telegina, the entrepreneurs were hiring illegal immigrants from Uzbekistan.
In Russian: .


Migrants prohibited to serve alcohol
The Russian government issued a decree in the past stipulating zero quota for migrants selling alcoholic beverages, including beer. A foreign worker cannot be employed in a company selling alcohol not only as a salesperson, but also not as a cook, sweeper, loader or messenger.
In Russian: .




Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan experts discuss migration issues at video conference
Activists of the youth and human rights organizations, analysts and government representatives from Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan, discussed current problems of young migrants and ways to overcome the difficulties during a video conference of the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR).
In Russian: .


Joint forces of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to protect migrant workers
“To protect workers we have to join efforts of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and possibly Uzbekistan,” - said Tajik expert Oynihol Bobonazarova at the video conference “The negative trend of migration of young people”.
In Russian: .


International News


Guy Ryder elected as ILO Director-General
The International Labor Organization has elected Guy Ryder as its tenth Director-General. Ryder, who is currently the ILO’s Executive Director for International Labor Standards and Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, was elected by secret ballot by the ILO’s Governing Body.
In English: .


Experts name the best country for migrants
Joint research of Fundacion Rey Balduino Foundation and Migration Policy Group, which deals with immigration issues, has discovered that the best country for migrants is Spain despite its weak economic situation at present.
In Russian: .


Britain may toughen immigration policy
The British government is discussing the possibility of introducing changes in migration policy in the event of failure of the European currency. Home Affairs Minister of the country, Teresa May, said that Britain has to prevent migrant inflow from Greece and other countries with difficult economic situations.
In Russian: .


China expels illegal migrants from country
The government of the celestial empire announced a launch of a campaign to detect illegal foreigners living in the country. The reason for this was the recent incident with a Russian cellist.
In Russian: .




Why Russia needs immigration amnesty?
Migration in Russia, and throughout Europe, is no better than the scare of an atomic bomb. Back in 2002, the year memorable for loud Extraordinary Congress to protect migrants (it was held just prior to toughening laws on citizenship and the legal status of foreign citizens) a resolution was adopted with the requirement to hold an urgent immigration amnesty. We were worried most for the fate of fellow repatriates who returned to Russia and could not get citizenship because of their sluggishness, legal nihilism, and mainly because of the lack of any certificates to obtain Russian passports.
In Russian: .


Dual Citizenship
S. Ramazonov, Deputy Chief of the Passport and Registration Service of the Tajikistan Ministry of Internal Affairs, explains that a document confirming citizenship of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Russian Federation citizenship when crossing the state border of the Republic of Tajikistan has to be a passport or birth certificate. On the basis of an agreement between the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Russian Federation dated November 1, 2005, Russian citizens may enter the Republic of Tajikistan with a Russian passport, children under the age of 14 years with a birth certificate, which indicates the citizenship of the Russian Federation; the citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan may enter the Russian Federation with a passport of citizenship of the Republic of Tajikistan, children under the age of 16 years - with a birth certificate, which indicates the citizenship of the Republic of Tajikistan.
In Russian: .


Tajikistan: Divorces increase the army of female labor migrants
According to the Moscow human rights activist Natalia Bogdanova, who leads the community organization of the rights of migrants, an increase in aforesaid rates, contributes to the combination of poverty with a growing number of divorces in Tajikistan, after which many women have to live in poverty.
In Russian: .


Russian Consular in Tajikistan: “The number of people seeking help is growing”
The consular of the Russian Federation, Igor Labuzov, talked about the problems concerning obtaining Russian citizenship and ordinary foreign passports of the RF recently in Dushanbe. Today, in order to get Russian citizenship, as well as to renew an expired Russian passport, one has to stand in a long queue at the gates of the Russian Embassy in Dushanbe and wait for the document for another several months.
In Russian: .


Tajikistan: Does Russian language revive?
In 2009, Tajikistan has adopted a Law "On State Language" in its new edition, according to which the concept of the Russian language has disappeared as a language of interethnic communication. However, due to allegations of Russia against Tajikistan on oppression of the Russian language, the Upper Chamber of Tajikistan Parliament approved a bill in 2011 that has restored the Russian language status as a language of interethnic communication.
In Russian: .


Minister: “People from Tajikistan and Uzbekistan are far too modest in their claims”
Recently the Minister of Employment, Labor and Migration of the Saratov oblast, Natalia Sokolova, touched upon the issue of external labor migration. According to her, the citizens of Russia have higher requirements, and the people of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan are much more modest in financial claims.
In Russian: .


How Mehriniso became Kamchatka resident
Where is Dushanbe with its gentle climate, and where is the Kamchatka with 8 months of winter in the year? In spite of this, Mehriniso Musoeva, member of the State program of voluntary resettlement of compatriots to Russia, has chosen this distant region.
In Russian: .


Sapargul: I do not live. I am afraid of talking to people…
Sapargul – victim of a “Patriots” group, who was believed to commit suicide, has contacted Azattyk. She gave an exclusive interview about tortures of “patriots”.
In Russian: .




“Social protection in the world in 2010-2011. Protection in the time of crisis and after”

Technical group on issues of decent work and ILO Bureau for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Moscow, ILO, 2011

Social protection is not one of the human rights, but a necessary component of social and economic life in every country. All successful countries implement development strategies, where social protection plays a key role in the fight against poverty and provides economic stability, helping the citizens manage basic life risks and to soon adapt to current economic, political, demographic and social changes.

In Russian: .


“Utilizing diaspora potential for development in Europe and Central Asia”

Draft for discussion, MIRPAL, World Bank, 2011

Migration, in general, has become an important phenomenon for many countries in Europe and Central Asia. For the first time, the issues of implications and impacts of labor migration on economic development of countries in ECA have been considered in the report of the World Bank's “Migration and Remittances in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union”. This report is a part of the Regional Program of the World Bank on migration in Europe and Central Asia, which was initiated to provide practical assistance in addressing the institutional and policy challenges in the field of labor migration and remittances, as well as carrying out necessary reforms to ensure sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction.

In Russian: .


World of Work Report 2012: Better jobs for a better economy

International Labor Office, International Institute for Labor Studies, Geneva: ILO, 2012

Over the past year, labor markets have been affected by the slowdown in global growth. This is all the more problematic because labor markets have not fully recovered from the global crisis that erupted in 2008: there is still a deficit of around 50 million jobs in comparison to the pre-crisis situation.

In English: .


“Labor market and migration” Migration barometer in the Russian Federation

O.D. Vorobyeva, Special reports series, Moscow, Maks Press, 2011

The labor market in Russia can be characterized with the help of employment and unemployment data, according to the findings of research on population based on ILO methods, as well as data on number and share of unemployed persons, provided by employment agencies.

In Russian: .




First World Congress of Kyrgyzstanis and compatriots

Date: 1-3 August 2012

Place: Bishkek and Issyk-Kul oblast, Kyrgyzstan

In Russian: .


Reminder: Applications invited for the 2012 GFMD Civil Society Days, 19 -21 November, Mauritius. Application Deadline Extended until 30 June

Application for participation by civil society representatives in the Civil Society Days of this year's Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) opened on the 16th May. The deadline for applications is extended till June 30, 2012.

The online application form can now be accessed here in English: .


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